All Hope is in You

All Hope is in You

2 Kings 6 contains what may be my favorite story in the entire Bible–the story of Elisha and his servant surrounded by the king of Aram’s army (vv.8-17).

The two men awoke one morning to the sight of their city surrounded by enemy horses and chariots. Elisha’s servant was understandably shaken; it was literally two against an army. But Elisha, the Lord’s prophet, remained calm and prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened to the really real reality of their situation.

Now, to be sure, Elisha’s servant was not blind. He could clearly see in all the ways you and I and all sighted people can see. However, the Bible depicts a second kind of seeing–a seeing that is not wholly dependent upon the eyes (ie. Psalm 115:5; Isaiah 6:10; Matt. 13:14-17). That is the kind of seeing Elisha knew his servant needed. Verse 17 reads, “And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Worldly wisdom says, “You have to see it to believe it.” Some things, however, apparently have to be believed to be seen.

How many times have I–like Elisha’s servant–lamented and relented because of an unfavorable outlook, all the while completely unaware of the really real reality of God’s presence within and around me? How many times have I relied on my eyes to define my circumstances more than my faith in a God who is with us and whose Kingdom is in our midst? How many times have I allowed myself to be bound by sight alone? I fear the answer is far too many to count.

This song is a reminder and a proclamation that, while the scenes and circumstances before our eyes may change and appear uncertain, our God–who is “over all and through all and in all” (Eph. 4:6)–never changes; He remains faithful forever. May our eyes, like those of Elisha’s servant, be opened to see this hopeful truth.


Can’t rely on my eyes
to see all You are doing
Can’t rely on my eyes
to see all that You are
Can’t rely on my eyes
to see how You are moving
Can’t rely on my eyes,
so open up my heart, God

When brokenness surrounds me
within and all around me,
all my hope is in You
and You’re faithful

When failing eyes confound me
when I’m bound by only what I see,
all hope is in You
and You’re faithful

Can’t rely on my eyes
to define the God of heaven
Can’t rely on my eyes
to see all that You are
Can’t rely on my eyes
to know that You are present
Can’t rely on my eyes,
so open up my heart, God

When brokenness surrounds me
within and all around me,
all my hope is in You
and You’re faithful

When failing eyes confound me
when I’m bound by only what I see,
all hope is in You
and You’re faithful

You are sovereign, You are kind
Working often out of sight
Bringing blessings in their time
Out of darkness, bringing light

You are sovereign, You are kind
Working often out of sight
Bringing blessings in their time
Out of darkness, bringing light

Be my strength for I am weak
Help me trust what I cannot see
One day all hope will end in sight
One day all mysteries become bright

When brokenness surrounds me
within and all around me,
all my hope is in You
and You’re faithful

When failing eyes confound me
when I’m bound by only what I see,
all hope is in You
and You’re faithful

When brokenness surrounds me
within and all around me,
all my hope is in You
and You’re faithful

Unchanging, You are reigning
and faithfully sustaining all
my hope is in You
and You’re faithful


Words & Music: Bill Wolf