Biblically Centered. Theologically Rich. Creatively Designed.
Easter: Stories & Songs consists of ten songs that combine brilliant folk-style musicianship with introspective, thoughtful storytelling to present an intimate look at the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ during the week of the crucifixion. With guitars, piano, mandolin, hammered dulcimer, penny whistle, organ, even an accordion, Easter: Stories & Songs brilliantly tells the story of Jesus during his Passion Week by hearkening back to the humility of His birth and peering forward to the glory of His Kingdom.
In the years since its release, Bill and his band have performed these songs in colleges and coffeehouses, in state-of-the-art megachurches and small country churches, in cathedrals and on front porches, in concert halls and from inside the walls of a maximum-security prison. In every setting, the songs and the performance are a powerful reminder that there is no place the story of the resurrection is out of place.
Wolf is not only a published songwriter and artist but a scholar and theologian, currently serving as professor of Worship & Theology at Johnson University. Both his careful attention to Scripture and his gift as a poet and composer are woven throughout Easter: Stories & Songs, which continues to engage audiences with its beauty and candor.

what others are saying about easter: stories & songs
I have been privileged to know Bill Wolf as a student, a colleague in Christian Higher Education, and a dear friend for a number of years. Easter: Stories & Songs is a masterful reflection of his own journey into a deeper relationship with the Christ of scripture. The piece is biblically centered, theologically rich and creatively designed. The combination of beautifully written prose and striking musical poetry will capture your imagination and draw you intimately into the story of the Gospel.
Dinelle frankland
Worship Leader, Author, and Academic Dean
Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, Jacksonville, FL
Musical expressions of Christian worship are everywhere these days, but songs with genuine artistry expressing the core Christian message, reaching both the mind and the heart, are scarce. Bill Wolf’s Easter: Stories & Songs is one of the rarities. Bill writes from a mind deeply informed by Scripture and the history of Christian worship, a heart to connect with people of all backgrounds, and a knack for musical originality accessible across generations and cultures. And quite honestly his band cooks. Easter: Stories & Songs will be the high point of Holy Week wherever it is presented because the crucified and risen Jesus is what the program presents.
jon weatherly
Associate Pastor
Twin City Bible Church, Urbana, IL
Easter: Stories & Songs is a harmony of beauty and truth that draws minds and hearts closer to the goodness of the central message of the Gospel of Christ. In the days following the concert, our church members repeatedly voiced how needed a night of reflection (and great music!) was, how it helped them step into Holy Week, and how moving–even formational–the experience was to our Easter season. Bill Wolf has combined his precision in language with his unique craft of songwriting to offer something of lasting worth for the Christian life. Easter: Stories & Songs is one way to ensure your church grows in their faith walk by taking a deeper look into Holy Week, while also providing them an unforgettable musical and poetic experience.
mason ballard
Worship Minister
Tate’s Creek Christian Church, Lexington, KY
We have hosted Easter: Stories & Songs at Bethany Christian Church several times, and each time our congregation has been incredibly impressed by the artistry and depth of the experience. The music and the message of Easter: Stories and Songs spoke to both the young and old in true and meaningful ways – to the point that several from both age groups asked when Bill and team might be coming back again. We look forward to hosting again in the future!