
Fireworks. Freedom. Dad. Always.

When Jude was little, he and I co-wrote two songs together. One was called “The Frog is in the Pond,” a fun little animal song. The other was a worship song called “Wherever You Go”, of which he wrote all of the words; I simply put them to music.

Both were relatively good, by my estimation. I figured we had the start of a solid partnership going. So, when I wrote this little instrumental piece, I asked Jude what I should call it. He was six and playing with Legos on the floor. “Hold on,” he said and left the room.

Ten minutes later he came in with a piece of paper on which he had written, “Fireworks. Freedom. Dad. Always.” I asked, “What’s this?” He replied, “The title of your song.”

Keep it in mind, it was nowhere near July 4th. Nor did we even live in the United States at the time! So, I have no clue where he got that title. But I had asked. And he delivered.

Lesson learned.


Music: Bill Wolf