Scotland’s air

Scotland’s Air

Nearly ten years ago, Betsy, the kids, and I packed up and moved to St Andrews, Scotland for a year while I was in graduate school. It was a big move and took months of preparation. Jude and Eleanor were wee ones and completely clueless as to the enormity of such a move for our little family of four. But as the day grew closer and closer, Betsy and I grew more and more nervous.

That year in Scotland, however, was the best year of our life. We look back on it with the fondest of memories–the beauty, the history, the people. We made friends that remain to be some of our closest.

A couple months ago, I learned that one of my favorite footballers on my favorite team is Scottish. I felt a surge of pride, like he was from my own homeland or something. Of course, I know he isn’t. I don’t have a strand of Scottish DNA in my blood, at least not that I know of. However, I did live there, immersed in the culture. I ate the food, drank the water, walked the cobblestones. I woke up each morning and breathed in deeply the air of “The Auld Grey Toon.”

I may not have Scottish blood in my veins, but I think I still have some of its air in my lungs.

This song is an ode to Scotland. Its chorus exclaims, “slainte mhath” (pronounced more like “slahnge evah”), which is how one toasts or says “cheers” (literally, “to good health”) in Scots. The verses contain references to favorite places and memories.

Our family will likely never live in Scotland again, but it will forever remain our home across the sea.


I breathed in deep the mist of the sea
and Scotland’s air got inside of me
My lungs, like the caves of Pittenweem,
That air still locked deep down within me

Slainte mhath! Slainte mhath!
To its daughters and sons
who open their arms
and welcomed me

Slainte mhath! Slainte mhath!
To my home that lies far
To the north and the east
far across the sea
I lift my voice to the breeze
with Scotland’s air
still inside of me

I breathed in deep the mist of the sea
and Scotland’s air got inside of me
Memories fresh as the fields of green
with Scotland’s air still inside of me

Slainte mhath! Slainte mhath!
To its daughters and sons
who open their arms
and welcomed me

Slainte mhath! Slainte mhath!
To my home that lies far
To the north and the east
far across the sea
I lift my voice to the breeze
with Scotland’s air
still inside of me

May narrow roads,
all cobble-stoned
lead me home one day
As rapeseed golden hills still roll
beneath the misty grey

I’ve climbed to the height
of Ben Nevis’ peak
and breathed Scotland’s air
deep inside of me
Then danced it all out
that night at Ceilidh
but found Scotland’s air
still inside of me

Slainte mhath! Slainte mhath!
To its daughters and sons
who open their arms
and welcomed me

Slainte mhath! Slainte mhath!
To my home that lies far
To the north and the east
far across the sea
I lift my voice to the breeze
with Scotland’s air
still inside of me


Words & Music: Bill Wolf