sing for jesus

Sing for Jesus

I spend a lot of my time thinking and talking about Christian worship. There is, of course, much more to our worship than singing. We know that; I teach that. In fact, I emphasize that point so much I fear I may be guilty of swinging the pendulum too far in the other direction. I wonder if I have underestimated the importance of our congregational song.

Fact is, one of the defining characteristics of Christians from the very beginning is that they “gathered on a fixed day before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to Christ as to a god.” (Pliny the Younger, Letter to Trajan 10.96-97). Pliny the Younger was a non-Christian governor in Bithynia. In this letter, he is reporting on the practices of the Christians in his region for Emperor Trajan, who was skeptical of the new upstart religion. His letter was written sometime between 111CE and 113CE.

Christians are—and always have been—a singing people. And Jesus is the Object of our song. (If He isn’t, worship leaders, you better fix that real quick!)

As “meta” as it may sound, I wrote this song as I thought about our singing. When we, Christians, gather to sing of Jesus, Scripture attests to the reality that there is a lot more is happening than we may at first realize. I touch on some of it in this song.

First, Christ is present. Jesus himself promises in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” The separation between heaven and earth thins as we gather together to worship. Is God omnipresent? Absolutely. Is Christ somehow present in a unique and peculiar way when we gather? I believe so. Our singing is therefore a communion with Christ.

Second, Jesus leads our singing. He is in our midst actively leading our song. The book of Hebrews has much to say regarding Jesus’ present heavenly activity. As our heavenly High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16), Jesus “lives forever to intercede on our behalf” (Hebrews 7:23-25). The author of Hebrews also depicts Jesus, crowned with glory, in the middle of the heavenly assembly, singing to the Father and inviting all whom He has made holy (which includes you and me) to join in the song (Hebrews 2:9-12).

Third, the Holy Spirit is actively transforming us into Christlikeness as we contemplate Jesus’ glory. Paul makes this explicitly clear in his second letter to the Corinthians. “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).” This is why it is so important we keep Jesus as the Object of our songs!

As we meet with Christ, Who is present, and join His song, the melody lifts our hearts and minds to Jesus. And the Spirit, moving unseen, forms us into men and women able to reflect Christ’s character into the dark and dying world around us. The transformation that occurs as we sing, therefore, is for our good, for Christ’s glory, and for the sake of the world that God so loves.

Simply put: the world needs more Jesus, and our singing—according to Scripture—plays a key role in that happening.

So, yes, our worship is more than just songs. But that doesn’t mean our singing isn’t significant. No, in fact, according to the Bible, our singing is essential to our participation with God bringing about His Kingdom on earth as it in heaven.


Two or more are gathered here
Some come in joy, some with fear
Our many roads start miles apart
Yet they join now in one place
for just one reason
We’re here to sing, sing for Jesus

Sing to the One who’s here with us
He made a promise we can trust
We gather here within His midst
He is loving and He’s longing
to embrace us
Let us sing, sing for Jesus

Praise be to heaven’s High Priest
Who intercedes for you and me
The Father’s song, the Son now leads
And His Spirit guides us in
to join the chorus
So, let us sing, sing for Jesus

For the One who came to earth
to live and love
and die and rise again
He’s the Son of God,
He’s the Son of Man
And He reigns on high
and will come again

As Christ our Lord we celebrate
more in his likeness we are made
It’s for our good and for His Name
and for the sake of
the whole world that God so loves
That as we sing…
we come to be more like Jesus

Two or more from here will part
to bear His light into the dark

Let us sing…
Let us be more like Jesus


Words & Music: Bill Wolf